2011년 3월 27일 일요일

Jerusalem Mother(God the Mother, Heavenly Mother, God the father, Ahnsahnghong, World mission society church of God)

Jerusalem Mother (Heavenly mother)

Have you ever heard about Jerusalem mother(God the mother)?
Jerusalem mother(heavenly mother) which is in heaven who will come down to this earth to gives us eternal life.
Jerusalem mother is extremely important to our spiritual life. Today let's study about Jerusalem mother through the Bible.
God has given us a precious promise, Through which we can go to heaven.
So the bible calls us the childern of promise.

Gal 4:28) Now you brothers like Isaac are children of promise.

Who is Isaac in the Bible? He is a son of Abraham. He also one of children of promise.
Then what promise did he get from God? He got the promise of life before he was born.
We are also childern of God
Then, what promise has God given us?
Let's find out.

1Jn 2:25) And this is what he promised us - even eternal life.

What did he promise us? Eternal life!!
Isaac had the promise of pyisical life but we have the promise of spiritual life, etenal life much bigger then Isaac.
Then from now on we are going to find out how to get the eternal life from God!!

Rev4:11) You are worthy our Lord and God to receive glory and honor and power,
          for you created all things and by your will they were created and have their being.

By whose will were created all things? God
when God creat everything he put his will into that.
Among them let's see about life.
Life is given by their own mother.
Can father gives us life without mother?  Without mother no one can get life.

Birds in the sky, fish in the sea, animals on the ground has their mother.
Our physical life also given by mother. What about our spiritual life?
Let's find out the existance of our spiritual mother.

Ge 1:26) God said "Let us make man in our image, in our likeness.
Here 'us', 'our' is not singlur term but plural term.
Why did God mention plural term if we have only father God?
The answer is in verse 27.

Ge 1:27) So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him;
            male and female he created them.

Through this verse we can come to know that God has two images.
MALE image and FEMALE image.
We call God of male image ' Father'. Then what shall we call God of female image? (Mother)
That's why we have to believe not only spiritual father
but also spiritual mother in the bible testifies about.
As i early said all things were created by God's will.
Which will did God put into adam & eve when he creat them?
Let's study adam first.           

Ro 5;14) Nevertheless, death reigned fromthe time of adam, to the time of moses, even
           over those who did not sin by breaking a command, as did adam,
           who was a pattern of the one to come.

Here, 'the one to come'  means 'Jesus to come a second time'
According to the trinity Jesus is God the father.
Then whom does eve represent?
If adam represent Father God adam's wife eve stand for Mother God.
Let's look at what is God's will in creating eve!

Ge 3: 20) Adam named his wife eve, because she would become the mother of all the living.

Here eve means living, life.
Man can do everything exapte only one thing that is giving birth.
Giving birth is perfectly woman's part.
so the bible calls to first woman eve 'living'
Adam represent male image of God, Jesus.
Likewise eve also stand for female image of God.
What dose it mean?
It means that God teaches us the eternal life comes from God the mother
through eve's prophecy.
Jesus also told us about this.

John 6:39) And this is the will of him who sent me that i shall lose none of all that he was
              given me, but raise them up at the lase day.
          40) i will raise them up at the last day
          44) i will raise them up at the last day
        45) i will raise them up at the last day

Jesus told us 4 times. It must be vey important message.
Then what is 'raise them up? It is 'give them life'.
When did Jesus tell us that give them life in john 6:39~45? At the last day.
Is'nt it strange? Jesus is God himself.
He could give us eternal life 2000 yrs ago at onece.
Why should Jesus wait untill the last day to raise up his people? For what?
Becouse life of spirit comes from spiritual mother who will appear in the last day.
Just like physical life comes from our own mother.

Rev 19:7) let us rejoice and be glad and give him glory! For the wedding of the lamb has come,
            and his bride has made herself ready.

The lamb means second coming Jesus becouse when he came to this earth first time
he didnt have bride.  But will have when he come to this earth a second time.

Rev21: 9) One of the seven angels who the seven books full if the seven last plagues and said
            to me. "come i will show you the bride the wife of the lanmb. and he carride me
            away in the spirit to a mountain great and high and showed me the holy city
            jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from god.

Angel wanted to show 'the bride' so what did angel showed to john?
The wife of the lamb.
That was the holy city jerusalem. Then who is the holy city Jerusalem?
And what relate to us?

Gal 4:26) but the jerusalem that is above is free and she is our mother.

Is she our physical mother? Absoultly not!!
Jerusalem is above. where is above? heaven!
Heavenly jerusalem is our mother, spritual mother. Jerusalem mother
What does 'our' indicate here? Those who follow god's word and be saved.
That people has spiritual mother.
Do we have spiritual mother? Yes!! We do have.

Gal 4:28) now you brothers, like isaack, are children of promise.

We are children of promise. What is the promise? Eternal life.
It means children of promise is children of mother.
The eternal life comes from spiritual mother who will appear in the last day.
That's why children of promise is children of mother.

Gal 4:31) therefore brothers, we are not children of the slave woman,
           but of the free woman.

Children must call mother who gives their life.
Likewise children of promise must call heavenly mother
who gives their spiritual life eternal life.
Without heavenly mother we can not have eternal life.
In other words, eternal life which God promised us is given through spiritual mother.
In this last age, we need our Jerusalem Mother who has been established by Christ Ahnsahnghong.
the Second Coming Jesus.
Let's believe in Jerusalem mother and have eternal life and be saved.

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